Make a realistic world by simulating as many aspects as possible.

I have no build to upload to Itch, so the old build from github pages will have to do :

World page:

Language page:

Idea was to make a generator that would generate a worlds for a TTRPG or similar from galaxy and planets to terrain and climate to towns and buildings and even names for everything.

Shout out to Artifexian !

Obviously not all at once, would be too memory and processing intensive, generation would be incremental and the user would have the option to edit the details from the current step.

So first, we would generate a solar systems until something interesting appears and even edit/tweak it, then, in the habitable zone we would generate terrain and details for a planet or maybe even a moon or a twin planets system.

By having some of the solar system values like sun intensity and color and planet speed and inclination we could then generate some realistic climate and time values for that/those worlds.

Then either automatically or manually by user place villages/towns with basic statistics of population and professions and similar things, and basic layout, and when needed, could generate buildings with families and layouts and professions.

After all this, user could export in some popular formats so maybe the basic terrain could be exported to GPlates and imported back again, or the user could provide a huge set of words per region for the generator to generate names so they have the same feeling.

Published 2 days ago
TagsGenerator, Space, words


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nice game